Saturday, June 7, 2008



Tell me about yourself, your family, your hobbies & your achievements in d past…????

Den he asked me my aggregate n also d individual %ages per Semester n den said r u saying d truth here is d catch. don’t shake n say a LOUD N CLEAR YES…coz sometimes people flitter with d marks n mention them as 70…so here is where they get caught.. this question is bound 2 come up if your aggregate Is 70 or 71..otherwise no problem…

Den he said y so much fluctuations in d marks that means u r really inconsistent…???

I said well I m not inconsistent, I have always scored between 800 n 815 in all d five SEMS it is just that d other part that is d max marks keep changing.. LOLS. Crazy answer. But he really liked it n said this is d coolest answer I have got.. Coz generally when this question is asked, people start giving excuses that this happened n start talking about family problems…n I couldn’t study n shit. Well they know that u r a human being n know that it can happen with anyone. Please would recommend that u don’t start RAMAYAN over there as being precise is d key…

Where do u see yourself 5 years 4m now..??

Prepare this answer well n make sure what u say highlights your strengths n is actually related 2IBM or some MNC…

Then he asked about weakness..???

Location preferences….

WELL 1 question which is bound 2 come up in both d rounds is Y IBM n WT DO U KNW ABT IT…????? Also if u r 4m non COMP background den Y moving in2 software….???

D answer that I gave is DAT being in ECE I easily have d option of moving 2 either hardware n software, considering that IBM provides TELECOM solution so a person who doesn’t have d knowledge of Communication cant enter that field n being specialized in that field I can really contribute in d growth. .Also being 4m ECE I have been exposed 2 software languages and have d required skills, so coming 4m a diverse background will be like a Dual advantage n well I feel that I have the basic knowledge of being a software Professional , also very candidly I said that SOFWARE is d Future n there r d jobs, very limited jobs in Electronics n in life everybody wants 2 grow…

HE was impressed n satisfied…

Study about IBM well n show that hw much desparate you r, 4 a job in IBM. attend d presentation in a proper manner…as there will be lot of info which will help u in answering Y IBM…???

Thats it. with all this I m sure that u can crack IBM…

MY RESULT:::---- I got D TSHIRT of IBM that is I got thru….

Please b4 result don’t assume that you’ll get thru as most of my friends who were confident of getting thru, couldn’t get thru….so nothing should be assumed b4 results unless u r told in d interview itself that you r selected, which is very rare..( but it happens)…

Out of 1200,400 people were shortlisted 4 d interview..

If ur interview is being conducted by 2 member panel den hopefully it’ll be d only interview dat u have 2 face,but if u r havin a one 2 one den most probably 2 set of interviews..i had 2 intrviews..1st was d tech..

People at IBM r overly friendly n will make u feel comfortable den only start d interview.

My intrvw went smthng like ur resume really matters,dnt mention things which u r not comfortable wid as d intrvw is purely based on ur shud be Succinct n neatly done…I m 4m ECE backgrnd, so he asked me 4m my stream only n den went ahead wid 3 or 4 C ques….

tell me about urself..??

ques 4m trning n wt hv u learnt in it..??

wat supply do u get in ur house…

Wat is d diff btwn Thyristor n thermistor

hw do u measure d speed of a motor or rotor..??

wat is meant by Chopper..??

wat is CDMA..??

wat is d diff btwn C n C++..??

Wat is polymorphism n hw do u implement it

wat is inheritance..??

inherit one class 4m another class..??? likhke dikhao.??

if we cnt inherit Private members den y do we define dem nywy….???

Den aftr this he asked abt hobbies n wt do u do in ur free time…dats it

Shook my hand n I said HOPE 2 C u..(a little clever)..i answered all d ques except d last 1 which I wasn’t able 2 comprehend well so just cudnt be clear…Bt he was satisfied n said no probs..

Well in tech if u r lucky enough dey mght nt ask u dis do revise ur stream subjects in a proper manner..coz IBM generally emphasise on wt hv u learnt in ur stream rather than grilling on u JAVA n C++..

Also DBMS n SQL overview is necessary 4 ECE people…

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