Saturday, June 7, 2008

ANZ Grindlays Bank Selection Procedure

ANZ Grindlays Bank Selection Procedure

Short Listing of Resume

Q. Does company have its own form or uses standard placement form?
A. Standard placement form is used by company for shortlisting.
Q. Does company apply the shortlist to the resumes submitted?
A. Yes, the shortlist is applied to the resumes submitted.
Q. Is the shortlist qualifying in nature or eliminatory (merit based)?
A. Shortlist is eliminatory(merit based).
Q. What is normally the ratio of shortlist.
A. Generally the ratio is 1:3 for shortlist.
Q. Is there advantage for work ex guys?
A. No, unless the work ex is in banking or finance area.
Q. Is there a leaning towards particular background of students in the shortlist?
A. No.
Q. Does grad matter in the shortlist?
A. Yes, defintly. The focus is more on academics.
Q. What role does extra-curricular activities plays in the shortlist process?
A. Not much.
Q. What qualities should the candidate highlight in his/her resume?
A. Resume should focus on financial learning. Finance projects should be highlighted. Resume should relect your focus on finance.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make in his/her resume?
A. Resume lacking focus on finance would be a big mistake. Focussing a great deal on extra curricular would be another mistake.
Written Test
Q. Does company conduct any written test?
A. Yes, there is written test in the recruitment process.
Q. Is this step qualifying or eliminatory?
A. This step is eliminatory in nature with normal ratio being 8:10
Q. What are the various type of test, the company conducts?
A. The test is based on CAT pattern. But this test is a simpler version of CAT.
Q. What is company trying to measure in written test?
A. The firm is trying to assess quantitative and analytical ability besides verbal reasoning.
Q. What type of preparation would help the potential candidates?
A. Not much preparation is required if candidates has appeared in CAT. But a preparation would comprise solving questions similar to CAT for a few days to get into the groove.
Q. In psychological tests what type of profile is company trying to look for?
Q. Does company repeat its written test?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make in the written test?
A. Not utilising the time properly i.e. developing attachment to a particular difficult problem resulting in less time for easier questions.
Group Discussions
Q. Does company conduct GDs?
A. Yes, group discussion is a part of ANZ's selection process.
Q. Is this step qualifying or eliminatory?
A. GD is eliminatory in nature with normal ratio being 4:7.
Q. What is the duration of GD, size of the group, number of panelists etc.
A. The duration of GD is approx. 10-15 minutes. The group size is around 8-10 candidates in a GD Group. The Interview panel comprises of two panelists on an average.
Q. What are normally the topics of GD?
A. Abstract topics are generally given in GD.
Q. What do you think is company trying to test in GDs?
A. Company tries to check the communications skills in a GD, besides assessing group behaviour, composure and team spirit. Since the topics are generally abstarct, subject knowledge is not imporatnt in this stage.does not come into the picture. Rather your articulation becomes critical here along with your ability to contribute to group and be receptive to others' idea/opinion.
Q. Does the company emphasize a formal dress code for the GD?
A. No, but generally formal dress is the norm.
Q. How can a candidate prepare for the GDs?
A. No specific preparation is required for a GD since GD is generally on the abstract topics. But do practice, it helps. Simply follow the golden rules of GD.
Q. Does company repeat the GD topics?
A. No, generally questions are not repeated.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the GD?
A. Not contributing to the GD is a sure way to disqualify yourself. Similarly being aggressive, not giving others a chance to speak also is to be avoided.
Case Studies
Q. Does company conduct case studies?
A.No, case studies are not conducted.
Group situation
Q. Does company conduct group situations (apart from GD)?
A. No, the group situations are not conducted.
Preliminary Interview
Q. Does company conducts preliminary interviews?
A. Yes, there is preliminary interview before the final Interview.
Q. Is this step qualifying or eliminatory?
A. Preliminary interview is qualifying in nature.
Q. What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. Generally interview lasts for around 25 minutes. The no. of panelists is 3 generally.
Q. How does the interview start?
A. Candidate is asked general questions to warm up.
Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Normal ratio of questions is around 70% subject related and 30% are on aptitude/personal fit questions. Some of the subject questions asked earlier include questions on Capital Adequqcy Ratio, Power sector Reforms etc.
Q. Does company create situations akin to 'stress interview'?
A. No. Not really
Q. Is company trying to test the candidate's integrity?
A. No. Not directly.
Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the intervievw?
A. Candidate's basic knowlegde about the subject is being checked. Also personal fit with company's culture is being checked.
Q. What type of environment is there during the interview ?
A. Interview is held in a formal atmosphere, not tense.
Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company?
A. Formal dress is appropriate.
Q. How does the interview end?
A. At the end of the interview, the panel thanks you for your time.
Q. Does the company repeat interview questions?
A. No
Q. How can a candidate better prepare himself for the interview?
A. Refresh your knowledge or study about the banking industry. Also catch up on the current happenings.
Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. Yes, spot offers are made.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. Biggest mistake would be getting overtly aggressive or letting the interview panel to dominate you.
Final Interview
Q What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. The Final Interview lasts for around 15-20 minutes. and the number of Interview panelist is generally three.
Q. How does the interview start?
A. Interview starts on a general trend where it ended in the preliminary round. Sometimes preferences expressed in the prelimary Interview forms a basis for starting the final interview.
Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Personal fit questions are asked. Questions would be like "Do you think you would be ...?"
Q. Does company create situations akin to 'stress interview'? Describe some?
A. No.
Q. Is company trying to test the candidate's integrity?
A. No
Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the interview?
A. Personal fit is being assessed in the final interview.
Q. What type of environment is there during the interview ?
A. A formal atmosphere is there.
Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company?
A. Formal dress code is there.
Q. How does the interview end?
A. Interview ends with interview panel thanking you and subtle hints are given, but nothing explcit is there.
Q. Are interview questions repeated by the company?
A. No
Q. How can a candidate better prepare himself for the interview?
A. Candidate should be clear on important topics in finance.
Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. Showing discomfort with finance questions, appearing unprepared should be avoided.

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