1)Find the next term in series
Ans:- 204 4 marks
2)I went to the market and spend 10% f what I had then went tot the second shop and spend 10% again .When I came back home I realized that I had dropped my purse .When I checked my pay slips the amount that I had spend were 19Rs.What t was the amount that was in the purse when I dropped it..
Ans:- 81 Rs. 2 marks
3) There is a five digit number. The fifth digit is one fourth of the third digit and
one half of the fourth digit. Third digit is one half of the first digit. second digit is 5 more than the fifth digit. What is that 5 digit no.?
Ans:86421 4 marks
4) There are three associates and they have some money in a room. But no one is believing others alone. so, a) No one should be able to open the room alone.
b) When any 2 persons are combined they should be able to open the room.
What is the minimun no. of locks & keys required.?
Ans:- Didn’t attempt 5 marks
5)there are two towers 1 and 2 of 200 and 150 ft heiht and 250ft is the distance between them.Two birds traveling at the same velocity from the top of the two towers reach for a grain placed on ground between the two towers at same time, what is the distance of this grain from tower1.
Ans:- 90 feet. 6 marks
6)One man had 64 barrels and had to pay 40francs and 5 barrels for excise duty.Anothe man who had 20 barrels had to pay 2barrels for excise duty but got 40 francs in change.What was the excise duty on each barrel and what was the cost of one barrel’s belongings.
Ans. 10 and 110 4 marks
7)There were two barbers in a shop.Each one takes 15 min for haircut and 5 mins. For shave.Three customers came to the shop and wanted haircut as well as shave each.What is the minimum time in which both the barbers can finish the work..
Ans:- 30 mins my answer was 35 mins( one silly mistake in making sequence) 4 marks
8)A brigade had 9 soldiers carrying 15 fruits each.Their chief had some fruits as well.The average of the whole brigade was 9 less than what the chief individually had.What was the total number of fruits that the brigade had.
Ans:- 160 but I wrote the fruits that the chief had was 25 in the main answer(silly mistake). 3 marks
9)A lady bought two garden slots for less than 10 dollars.She bought some no of yards of each both equal to the the avg.price of them per yard.The difference between them was 2.15 dollars in cents.What were the no. Of yards of each that were bought.
Ans:- Didn’t attempt 6 marks
10)There were 4 persons a,b,c,d each participating in 4 contests of french,English,maths,logic. a thought d won logic award,b thought c won French award,c thought b did’n win maths award, d thought a won English award. Later on the results of maths and logic came out to be correct and other two false. So who won which award.
My Ans:-
A won french
B won english
C won maths
D won logic 6 marks
11) there were 4 persons working in an organization a ,b,c,d. They have post president,manager,accountant,cashier,not in the same order. Cashier always play with president and always defeats him. Cashier and manager are better players then accountant. c lives next door to d and plays chess with him. b only lives next to president.
So who hold which position.
My Ans:-
C was manager A C D B is possible arrangement of houses
B was cashier
A was accountant
D was president 6 marks
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