Monday, June 9, 2008


(1). all tallmen are handsome,fairskimed,lean,nulscular rich
and employed.
1. all handsome persons are fairskimed
2. some nulscular are fair skimed and handsome
3. all leans are nuscular persons
4. no fairskimed person who is not handsome is rich
5. neither fairskimed nor nulscular are employed.
there are 4 questions based on the above. 8 marks

(2). problem

(3). a software engineer starts from home at 3pm for evening
he walkspeed of 4kmph on level ground and then at a speed
3kmph on the uphill and then down the hill at a speed of
to the level ground and then at a speed of 4kmph to the
at 9pm
what is the distence on one way? 4marks

(4). a bag contains certain number of files. each file is
with one
digit of 0 to 9. suppose the person want to get the number
between 1 to
2000 (or 7000 check ) . how many min no. of files should be
present in
the bag. 3marks

(5). a + b + c +d = d + e + f + g = g + h + i =17.
if a = 4 what are the values of d and g. each letter
only one of the digit from 1 to 9. 8marks

ans : a = 4 ,b = 2, c =6, d = 5, e = 3, f = 8, g =
h = 7, i = 9.

(6). six persons a,b,c,d,e &f went to solider cinima. there are
conseutive seats. a sits in the first seat followed by b ,
followed by c and soon. if a taken one of the six seats ,
b should sit adjacent to a. c should sit adjacent a or b. d
should sit adjacent to a, b,orc and soon. how many
possibilities are there?

(7). suppose there are 4 grades a, b, c, d. (a is the best and d
is the worst) 4 persons jack,jean,poul,lucy wrote then
and made the statements like this.
1. jack: if i will get a then lucy will get d
2. lucy: if i will get c then jack will get d . jack grade
in better then poul grade.
3. jean: if jean doesnot get a , then lack will not get a.
4. poul: if jack get a , then jean will not get b.
lucy will get c, i won't either a or b.
if all the above statements are true, then which person
willget which grades.
(8). each man dances with 3 women. each women dances with 3
among eachg pair of men they have exactly two women in
find the no. of men & women.

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