Monday, June 9, 2008

paper 152

1.all tallmen are muscular,lean,employed,fairskinned..
2.nofair skinned men are neither muscular nor lean
about 8 some stmts of same type..

4 questins from the conditions.

2. 4 marks

there are 770 chestnuts.when susie takes 4 lily takes 3.when susie
take 6 julie takes can u divide the chestnuts in proportion

3. 4 marks

a hare and tortoise in a circular track of circumference 10 yards.
the tortiose starts first and walks abt 1/8 of distance.when hare
starts tortoise travels of 1/6 of win race at what spped
hare neds to run.

4. 4 marks
some pigs and ducks are there. they have altogeher 60 eyes and 86
feet.calculate the no of pigs and ducks.

5. 6 marks
an analytical problem giving details like.
grocery store closes on monday.shoe store closes on thursday,bank
will be open on monday, wednesday store closes on
tuesday.on sunday all stores wil be closed.
four people A B C D goes out for shopping on a day.

according to statements of four people A B C D u have to tell to
which stores they are going.

6.three games played A vs B. B Vs C. A Vs C. 5 marks

results of games are as follows.

Played Won Lost Draw GoalsFor GoalsAgainst
A 2 x x 1 0
B 2 x x 1 2
C 2 x x

find the score of the teams in each games played.

7.Another puzzle .dont remember exactly. you have to find the
murderer victim judge witness. 8 marks

8. 5 marks
three people fodder pepsi cereale. if fodder has cofee then other
takes same drink.simliar two other conditions are have to
find who always have same drink.(problem on george summers - AFTER

9 . 6 marks
4 mothers given their of their child has birthday party on
that day. provided the age of their children 1,2,3,4.with some
conditions given such as

a.jane's son has birthday on the day.
b.laura had anne a year ago.
c.daniel is older than charlie is.

and some other conditions.

easy to solve.

English (45 questions)

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